Commitment Agreement
Salvation - I testify that I have trusted in Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and acknowledge that my personal salvation is attained by faith alone in His finished work.
Doctrine - I testify that I have read the Statement of Faith of Community Bible Fellowship and am in fundamental agreement with it. I pledge to inform the Elders of any serious difference I have with it.
Relationships - I pledge that I will strive to support my fellow family members by regular participation in worship, fellowship, and service: in prayer, love, hospitality, admonition, and encouragement.
Spiritual Life - I pledge that, with God's help, I will faithfully maintain my walk with my Heavenly Father in personal and corporate worship, in the pursuit of holy living, in my witness to those outside the Body of Christ, and in submission to Church leadership.
Stewardship - I pledge to share my time, abilities, and financial resources in the Lord's work as my Heavenly Father has prospered me.
I have listened to all six "Membership Moment" lessons--either in actual attendance or by accessing the lessons online. Having read the Commitment agreement, and desiring to join the membership of the church family at Community Bible Fellowship, I submit this completed Letter of Commitment.
(If you prefer, we have pre-printed forms available at the Connection Counter that you may complete and sign.)
Please submit your form individually, not as a couple or family.