Youth ministry
Junior High IMPACT
We know how important having fun is to our youth, especially to our junior high, but also know how important it is for them to feel like they have a safe place where they belong. Each night we have time for fellowship, fun games, and an interactive faith presentation that brings the Gospel and the Truth of God's word to life in practical, applicable ways.
Wednesdays 6:00-7:15pm
Location: IMPACT Center
Senior High IMPACT
With our senior high students we know they still long to have fun but we understand the greater importance of relationship building and meeting them where they are. Each week we provide an environment for fellowship, a fun activity, an opportunity to share what's happening in their world, and present to them a meaningful faith presentation that addresses the daily struggles our teens face and applicable ways to handle them in light of the Truth in God's word.
Wednesdays 7:30-8:45
Location: IMPACT Center
Registration for both Jr. High and High School Winter Xtreme is closed!
The Jr. High camp is January 3-5, 2025.
The High School camp is January 24-26, 2025.
The cost for each camp is $170. For payment, please click on the DONATE prompt at the top of this page.
Please click both the WinterXtreme Release Form and the CBF Registration buttons to register. Each form needs to be filled out.
Please reach out to Mat Kalvelage if you have any questions!
IMPACT CENTER - Youth Ministry is located offsite from the main CBF campus. Our ministry to junior and high school teens is aimed at inspiring faith-based world views, spiritual growth, and healthy personal relationships with each other and Christ. Experience has proven that we are more successful at reaching into kids' lives when our weekly programming is centrally positioned in the middle of town. This allows kids easy access to our activities and pastoral staff, who are available daily. They can safely and easily walk to our door. The older teens can conveniently drive and park at this facility.